Saturday, December 17, 2022

Salesforce Integration Interview Questions And Answers

salesforce interview questions on integration

Let’s discuss about the most frequently asked and the best salesforce interview questions on integration which will help all the aspirants to ace their salesforce career and these salesforce integration interview questions are prepared by the professionals and experts.

Q. What is integration?
Answer: Integration is a process of connecting two applications.A typical enterprise uses many applications, many or most of which are not designed to work with one another out of the box. Integrating separate but related apps helps organizations achieve greater levels of operational consistency, efficiency, and quality. Each application can have data, business logic, presentation, and security layers, all of which are possible targets for integration. This page is an overall launch point for exploring the various integration options related to and other Salesforce platform technologies.

Q. Why we need integration in Salesforce?
Answer : Integration comes in picture when some interaction is required from external system. Let us take example, we want to validate address of account record. This can be done using google address validation or smarty street API integration.

Q. What Are The Types of SOQL Statements in SalesForce?
Answer : Salesforce Object Query Language is used to query that records from the based on the requirement.
There are 2 types of SOQL Statements.

  • Static SOQL
  • Dynamic SOQL

Q. What is SOAP?
Answer : A protocol that defines a uniform way of passing XML-encoded data. SOAP Stands for Simple Object Access Protocol.

Q. How many types of API’s available in Salesforce?
Answer : SOAP API, REST API, Bulk API, and Streaming API.

Q. Difference between SOQL Vs SOSL in salesforce?
Answer : SOQL- Salesforce Object Query Language

    Using SOQL we can Search only on one object one time.
    We can query on all fields of any data type
    We can use SOQL in the Triggers and the classes.
    We can perform DML operation on SQL query results.

SOSL(Salesforce Object Search Language)

Using SOSL we can search on many objects at one time.
We can query only on fields whose data type is text, phone, and Email.
We cannot use in Triggers but can in classes.
We cannot perform DML operation on search results.

Q. How SOAP and REST will Communicate?
Answer : SOAP will communicate through WSDL file
REST will communicate through HTTP file

Q. What Is Webservices ?
Answer : Webservices is a functionality or code which helps to us to do integration.

Q. When to Use REST API?
Answer : REST API provides a powerful, convenient, and simple REST-based web services interface for interacting with Salesforce. Its advantages include ease of integration and development, and it’s an excellent choice of technology for use with mobile applications and web projects. For certain projects, you may want to use REST API with other Salesforce REST APIs. To build UI for creating, reading, updating, and deleting records, including building UI for list views, actions, and dependent picklists, use User Interface API. To build UI for Chatter, communities, or recommendations, use Chatter REST API. If you have many records to process, consider using Bulk API, which is based on REST principles and optimized for large sets of data.

Q. When to Use SOAP API?
Answer : SOAP API provides a powerful, convenient, and simple SOAP-based web services interface for interacting with Salesforce. You can use SOAP API to create, retrieve, update, or delete records. You can also use SOAP API to perform searches and much more. Use SOAP API in any language that supports web services.

For example, you can use SOAP API to integrate Salesforce with your org’s ERP and finance systems. You can also deliver real-time sales and support information to company portals and populate critical business systems with customer information.

Q. When to Use Chatter REST API?
Answer : Use Chatter REST API to display Chatter feeds, users, groups, and followers, especially in mobile applications. Chatter REST API also provides programmatic access to files, recommendations, topics, notifications, purchasing, and more. Chatter REST API is similar to APIs offered by other companies with feeds, such as Facebook and Twitter, but it also exposes Salesforce features beyond Chatter.

Use Chatter REST API to display Chatter feeds, users, groups, and followers, especially in mobile applications. Chatter REST API also provides programmatic access to files, recommendations, topics, notifications, purchasing, and more. Chatter REST API is similar to APIs offered by other companies with feeds, such as Facebook and Twitter, but it also exposes Salesforce features beyond Chatter.

Q. What is WSDL ?
Answer : WSDL (Web Services Description Language) is an XML document that describes a web service. WSDL is derived from Microsoft’s Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) and IBM’s Network Accessible Service Specification Language (NASSL). WSDL replaces both NASSL and SOAP as the means of expressing business services in the UDDI registry. It is used in combination with SOAP and XML Schema to provide web services over the Internet. A client program connecting to a web service can read the WSDL to determine what functions are available on the server.

Q. How to generate WSDL file?
Answer : Attend Setup -> Develop -> apex categories
Click on Apex category
Click on Generate WSDL button
Generate WSDL code from category
Save as .wsdl come in your system

Q. Can we tend to do a callout from flow synchronously?
Answer : No. Like trigger, we tend to cannot do callout from apex action in Flow.
Callout ought to be done asynchronously like mistreatment future methodology.

Q. Difference between LiveMessage and Digital Engagement electronic communication?
Answer : Salesforce Classic LiveMessage :
Salesforce Classic LiveMessage is in a very managed package.
Supports Short Code.

Q. Digital Engagement Messaging
Answer : Digital Engagement electronic communication resides in Lightning and is provisioned via a Permission Set License.
Short code isn’t supported.

Q. What is Asynchronous Apex?
Answer : Asynchronous Apex is employed to run method in a very separate thread at later time in background. principally these is employed wherever massive volume of information process is needed or supported HTTP callout some update in record is needed.

Q. What area unit kinds of Asynchronous Apex?
Answer : Majorly this is often four sorts that area unit as follows.

  1. Queueable Apex
  2. scheduled Apex
  3. Batch Apex
  4. Future ways

Q. Why we tend to can’t pass sObject in future method?
Answer : Future methodology area unit dead in own time. sObject may modification between the time it’s known as the strategy and therefore the time it executes.

Q. What is future decision limit?
Answer : Most variety of future methodology invocations per a 24-hour amount is 250,000 or the quantity of user licenses in organization increased by two hundred, whichever is larger.

Q. Can I start a batch job upon finishing the another batch job?
Answer : Yes, we will begin a replacement batch once initial batch is finishing. this is often drained end methodology. Example: we wish to send email to all or any client that is processed mistreatment batch.

Q. How to delete previous scheduled jobs?
Answer : We’ve to purge previous job records mistreatment purgeOldAsyncJobs methodology. Code are going to be like below

Syntax : world void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC)

Q.How to delete future scheduled jobs?
Answer : We should always delete future job mistreatment System.abortJob. we’ve to urge scheduled job mistreatment CronTrigger and so pass id to System.abortJob.

Syntax : for(CronTrigger ct:[SELECT Id FROM CronTrigger])

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