Salesforce Lightning Web Components Interview Questions

1) What is LWC(Lightning Web Components)?

As of now, we have built a lightning component using the "Aura Components model". we can also build a lightning component using the "Lightning Web Components model". Lightning Web Components are custom HTML elements build using the HTML Elements and modern Javascript. We can build components using any of the models and can place these components on the same lightning page.

For developing LWC we require  "Salesforce Extensions for Visual Studio Code" and for deploying LWC from an org we require "Salesforce CLI".

Aura Components make use of own custom component model, custom templates, custom components, etc while LWC is built on web standards and it makes use of web components, templates, custom elements which we have in web standards. Both the Aura component, LWC make use of Security, LDS and Base lightning components.

Important points to note:

1) Aura component and LWC can exist on the same lightning page.
2) Aura component can include LWC

Salesforce Lightning Web Components Interview Questions

2) What is Scratch org?

Scratch org is a disposable Salesforce org used for development and testing.
Scratch org can be created for a maximum of 30 days after which scratch org gets deactivated. The default duration for Scratch org is 7 days.

3) Explain the Lightning Web Component Bundle?

LWC bundle contains an HTML file, a JavaScript file, and a metadata configuration file
and these files are created once we create a Lightning web component.

We can also create a .css file for styling purpose and We can also create SVG file for the purpose of displaying icon.

4) How to render the HTML file conditionally?

If we want to render HTML conditionally we can make use of if:true={propertyName},if:false={propertyName} in nested template tag.

5) How to iterate over an array in HTML file?

We can make use of for:each directive and iterator directive.

for:each directive:

for:each directive is used to render an array. To render an array add the for:each directive to a nested template tag, for:item is used to access the current item, for:index is used to access the current index.

Iterator directive:

If you have the requirement to access the first and the last element in the list use the iterator directive.

A sample HTML file is as shown below.

.html file

    <b>for:each directive</b>
    <template for:each={students} for:item="item" for:index="index">
        <p key={}>
    <!--Iterator directive-->
    <b>Iterator directive</b>
    <template iterator:it={students}>
<li key={}>
<!--To access the first and the last element use {it.first} and {it.last}-->

6) What are the types of decorators in lightning web components?

We have 3 Decorators in Lightning Web Components.

1) @api
2) @track
3) @wire

7) Explain all three decorators in lightning web components?

Refer to the below link for an explanation.

How we can build Lightning web components?

For developing LWC we require  "Salesforce Extensions for Visual Studio Code" and for deploying LWC from an org we require "Salesforce CLI".

Note: we cannot build LWC in the Developer Console.

9) How can we use Lightning web component with unsupported tool?

To use a Lightning web component with an unsupported experience or tool we can wrap it in an Aura component.

10) How we can achieve data binding in Lightning Web Components?

If we want to bind a property in a component’s template to a property in the component’s JavaScript than we need to surround the property in the HTML template with the curly braces as shown below.


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11) How many scratch orgs we can create daily, and how many can be active at a given point?

Our "Dev Hub" org edition determines how many scratch orgs we can create daily, and how many can be active at a given point.

12) How many files are created by default when we create a Lightning Web Component?

Three files are created as shown in below image.

LWC interview questions

13) What is the purpose of .css file and svg file in Lightning Web Component bundle?

 .css file is use for styling purpose and svg file is use for purpose of displaying icon.

14) What is the purpose of HTML file in Lightning Web Component bundle?

  1. The HTML file is enclosed within the <template> tags.
  2. It contains the component HTML.
       Sample HTML file shown below,



            <h1> Some Text </h1>


15) What is the purpose of JavaScript file in Lightning Web Component bundle?

  1. The JavaScript file defines the behavior of HTML element present in HTML file.
  2. JavaScript files in Lightning web components are ES6 modules. By default, everything declared in a module is local—it’s scoped to the module.
  3. If we want to import a class, function, or variable declared in a module we use the import statement. 
  4. If we want to allow other code to use a class, function, or variable declared in a module we use the export statement.
  5. The core module in Lightning Web Components is lwc. The import statement imports LightningElement from the lwc module.

          import { LightningElement } from 'lwc';

          Here, LightningElement is a custom wrapper of the standard HTML element.

Extend LightningElement to create a JavaScript class for a Lightning web component as shown below. You can’t extend any other class to create a Lightning web component.

export default class MyComponent extends LightningElement {

    // Code


The JavaScript file can contains:

The component’s public API via public properties and methods annotated with @api.

Private properties

Event handlers

16) What is Meta configuration file in Lightning Web Component?

The Meta configuration file defines the metadata values for the components.

If we don’t include a configuration file for our component, we get an error shown below when we push your changes. 

"Cannot find Lightning Component Bundle <component_name>".

17) Is it possible to use multiple html files in a Lightning Web Component?

Yes and for this we will need to create multiple HTML files in the component bundle and than import them all and add a condition in the render() method to return the correct template.

18) How many style sheet can a component have?

Each component can have only one style sheet.

19) Can components share the style sheet?


20) Does the style of the component get lost or override when we use the component with its own style sheet in different context?

When we define a style sheet for a component in a component folder it is limited to that component only and this avoid loosing the style sheet of the component when we reuse this component in different contexts. This also avoid component style sheet getting override in other part of the page.

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#lwc interview questions in salesforce#lwc interview questions salesforce#lwc interview questions and answers

21) How to share CSS style sheet in Lightning Web Component?

1) If we want to share CSS style than we will need to create a module that contains only a CSS file and for this we will need to create a Lightning Web Component with only single CSS file as shown below.

How to share CSS style sheet in Lightning Web Component

2) After we create a module we can import the module into CSS file of any Lightning Web Component as shown below.

@import 'namespace/nameOfModule';

22) What is used to display toast notifications in Lightning Web Component?

Toast notification pops up to alert users of a success, error, or warning. 
We need to import ShowToastEvent from the lightning/platformShowToastEvent module to display a toast notification in Lightning Experience or Experience Builder sites.

23) List the callback methods that handles life cycle of LWC?

Lightning web components have callback methods that handle the lifecycle of LWC.

errorCallback(error, stack)

For more details visit --> Lifecycle hooks in LWC

24) Explain @track decorator in LWC with example?

25) Explain @api decorator in LWC with example?

26) Explain @wire decorator in LWC with example?

27) How to pass data from child component to parent component in lightning web component?

To pass data from child component to parent component we can trigger event from child LWC and handled it parent LWC as shown in below example.


In the child component HTML file, we are firing event based on button click.

        Hi, I am from child component HTML file.
        <lightning-button label="Click Me To Fire Event" onclick={handlebuttonclick}></lightning-button>


In the child comp js file, we are passing childcompname and childcompdescription property to parent component.

import { LightningElement, api } from 'lwc';

export default class Childcompdemo extends LightningElement {

    @api childcompname='Name of comp is childemocomp';
    @api childcompdescription='Description of comp is testing';
       const evt= new CustomEvent('myfirstevent', {detail:{childcompname:this.childcompname,childcompdescription:this.childcompdescription}});


In the parent component HTML file, we are handling the child comp event.

The keyword "on" is appended before the name of the event using which it is fired.

In this example, we have fired the event from the child component using the name "myfirstevent".

        Hi, I am from parent component HTML file.
        <c-childcompdemo onmyfirstevent={handlechildevent}></c-childcompdemo>


/* eslint-disable no-alert */
import { LightningElement } from 'lwc';

export default class Parentcompdemo extends LightningElement {

      const childcompname=event.detail.childcompname;
      const childcompdescription=event.detail.childcompdescription;
      alert('Event handled in Parent Comp');
      alert('child comp name is:'+childcompname);
      alert('child comp description is:'+childcompdescription);

<aura:application extends="force:slds">

Salesforce Lightning Web Components Interview Questions

Salesforce Lightning Web Components Interview Questions

Salesforce Lightning Web Components Interview Questions

Salesforce Lightning Web Components Interview Questions

28) How to pass data from parent component to child component in lightning web component?

We can pass data from parent LWC to child LWC while calling the child LWC from parent LWC.

In child LWC we need to decorate properties with @api decorator as shown in below example.

Properties decorated with @api are public reactive properties. When we use the @api decorator, we must import it explicitly from lwc as shown below.

import { LightningElement, api } from 'lwc';

Parent component can make use of the Public Property.


        Hi, I am from child component HTML file.
        <b>Message from parent comp is </b> : {messagefromparent}
        <b>Name of parent comp is </b>: {parentcompname}


import { LightningElement, api } from 'lwc';

export default class Childcompdemo extends LightningElement {

    @api messagefromparent;
    @api parentcompname;



        Hi, I am from parent component HTML file.
        <c-childcompdemo messagefromparent="Hi this message is from parent comp" parentcompname="parentcompdemo" ></c-childcompdemo>


//* eslint-disable no-alert */
import { LightningElement } from 'lwc';

export default class Parentcompdemo extends LightningElement {


<aura:application extends="force:slds">

Salesforce Lightning Web Components Interview Questions

29) How to call child component method from parent component in lightning web component?

We will call child component method from parent component in using querySelector.


        Hi, I am from child component HTML file.
        <b>Message from parent comp is </b> : {messagefromparent}
        <b>Name of parent comp is </b>: {parentcompname}


import { LightningElement, api,track } from 'lwc';

export default class childDemoComp extends LightningElement {

    @track messagefromparent;
    @track parentcompname;

    @api childMethod(){


        Hi, I am from parent component HTML file.
        <lightning-button variant="brand" label="CallChildCompMethod" onclick={handleButtonClick}>


//* eslint-disable no-alert */
import { LightningElement } from 'lwc';

export default class parentDemoComp extends LightningElement {


Salesforce Lightning Web Components Interview Questions

Salesforce Lightning Web Components Interview Questions

30) Can AURA component exist as a parent component to LWC?

--> Yes

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#lwc interview questions in salesforce#lwc interview questions salesforce#lwc interview questions and answers

31) How to pass value from child LWC to parent AURA comp?

We can trigger event from child LWC comp and handled in parent AURA comp 
as shown in below example.

32) How to call method of child LWC from parent Aura component?

To call method of child LWC from parent Aura component we will need to decorate the

child LWC method with @api decorator, In AURA component we need to first assign aura id to child

LWC as highlighted in yellow color. Using component.find() we can get the child LWC and

 finally call its method as highlighted in AURA component JS file.




    I am parent Aura Component.


<c:childLwcComp aura:id="childLwcCompId"></c:childLwcComp>

<lightning:button label="Call Child LWC Comp" variant="brand" onclick="{!c.callChildMethod}" ></lightning:button>






    callChildMethod : function(component, event, helper) {

        var findChildComp=component.find('childLwcCompId');

        findChildComp.lwcCompMethodDescription('Hi I am Aura Component Message');






        I am child LWC component.




import { LightningElement,api } from 'lwc';


export default class ChildLwcComp extends LightningElement {




        alert('messageFromAura :'+ messageFromAura);









lightning web components interview questions

    lightning web components interview questions

33) How to get record id in lightning web component?

By using force:hasRecordId interface in Aura component we can get the id of the current record however in LWC it is very easy to get the id of the current record.

In the component’s JavaScript class, we use @api decorator to create a public recordId property.

34) How to pass parameter from LWC to apex controller and how to handle
apex response in LWC JS controller?

You can give the below example to explain how we can pass parameter from LWC to apex controller and how to handle apex response in LWC JS controller.

35) How to call an apex method imperatively in LWC?

If we want to control when the method invocation should occurs (for example, in response to clicking a button) than we call the method imperatively. 

When we call a method imperatively, we receive only a single response. 

However with @wire, it delegates control to the framework and results in a stream of values being provisioned.

Let us understand with a simple example,



    <div >


        <lightning-input type="text" label="Enter Account Name" value={accName} onchange={handleChange}> </lightning-input>

        <lightning-button variant="base" label="Search Account" title="Search Account" onclick={handleChangeMethod} class="slds-m-left_x-small"></lightning-button>

        <p>Displaying Account Information</p>


        <template if:true={accountRecord}>


            <template for:each={accountRecord} for:item="item" for:index="index">


                <p key={item.Id}>


                   Name: {item.Name}








        <template if:true={error}>


            Some error occured.







import { LightningElement,track } from 'lwc';

import getAccountRecordMethod from '@salesforce/apex/customAccountController.getAccountRecordMethod';

export default class GetAccountDataImperatively extends LightningElement {

    @track accountRecord;

    @track error;

    @track accName;




        const userInput =;


        this.accName= userInput;




    handleChangeMethod() {


            accNameParamInApex : this.accName


            .then(result => {

                this.accountRecord = result;


            .catch(error => {

                this.error = error;






<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<LightningComponentBundle xmlns="">





public with sharing class customAccountController {

    public customAccountController() {




    public static List<Account> getAccountRecordMethod(String accNameParamInApex) {


        String accNameKey = '%'+accNameParamInApex+'%';


    List<Account> accList=[SELECT Id, Name, Industry


        FROM Account


        Where name Like: accNameKey];


        return accList;








salesforce lwc interview questions

36) What all operation we can perform using lightning/uiRecordApi?

Using lightning/uiRecordApi we can perform operations as mentioned below without using Apex.

1) Create a record 

2) Get record data

3) Delete a record

4) Get a field value from record

5) Update a record and etc.

37) How to get information related to an object in LWC?

we can make use of getObjectInfo  to get information related to an object

such as fields, apiName etc. 

38) Is it possible to use design attribute in LWC?


For more details visit How to use design attribute in LWC?

39) Is it possible to navigate from one Lightning Web Component to another Lightning Web Component?

To navigate from one LWC to another LWC we need to embed LWC in AURA component having lightning:isUrlAddressable and navigate the user from LWC to AURA component.

40) Is lightning-datatable supported on mobile device?


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41) Is it possible to use custom label in LWC? 


42) Is it possible to use static resource in LWC?


For more details visit How to use static resource in LWC?

43) Can we use lightning:overlayLibrary to display modal/popup in LWC?


In AURA component using lightning:overlayLibrary, messages can be displayed in modals and popovers however lightning:overlayLibrary is not available in LWC.

44) Which interface is needed to load data table with updated data once action
is performed using row level action?

We need to import interface refreshApex for refreshing data table once a row is deleted.

45) Why does lightning-record-form does not require apex controller?

 lightning-record-form implements Lightning Data Service and hence it doesn't require additional Apex controllers to create or edit record and it also takes care of field-level security and sharing, so users see only the data that they have access to. 

46) When to use lightning-record-form and when to use lightning-record-view-form and lightning-record-edit-form?

We use the lightning-record-form to create forms to add, view, or update a record.

It is easier to build forms using lightning-record-form as compared to lightning-record-view-form and lightning-record-edit-form however lightning-record-form is less customizable. To customize the form layout or to provide custom rendering of data use lightning-record-view-form(view a record) and lightning-record-edit-form(add or update).

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