Saturday, December 17, 2022

Salesforce Certified Platform Developer1

Salesforce Certified Platform Developer1 


1.How can a suspended event be resumed where it left off, to avoid missing any events that were published during the suspension?

A. Resume the event

2.Which statement is true regarding events configured with the Publish Immediately behavior?

A. the events are published and do not depend on the successful completion of the transaction

3.What is the minimum code coverage requirement in order to promote and release an unlocked package?

A. 75%

4.When using WITH SECURITY_ENFORCED in a SELECT clause, what happens if a field referenced in the clause is inaccessible to the user?

A. the query throws an exception indicating unsufficient permissions and no data is returened

5.A developer wants to send a custom notification when an important event occurs. What can the developer use?

A. Messaging.customNotification class


1.A developer wants to check whether a user has a standard permission. Where should the developer import Salesforce permissions from in order to check this?


2.When does Salesforce plan to enforce the removal of instance names from all Visualforce URLs?

A. summer 22

3.What is a current use case for incorporating the @track decorator in a field of a Lightning web component? observe changes when the field contains an array

4.What is the default behavior of the Lightning message service scope parameter?

A.Active area only


1. ObjectManager--->contacts-->new custom field

Field Label: Top Secret

Type: Text

Field Name: Top_Secret

Length: 255

2.Uncheck the Visible box for the Standard User profile

ApexclassName: ApexSecurityRest


global with sharing class ApexSecurityRest {


    global static Contact doGet() {

        Id recordId = RestContext.request.params.get('id');

        Contact result;

        if (recordId == null) {

           throw new FunctionalException('Id parameter is required');


        List<Contact> results = [SELECT id, Name, Title, Top_Secret__c, Account.Name FROM Contact WHERE Id = :recordId];

            SObjectAccessDecision securityDecision =

       Security.stripInaccessible(AccessType.READABLE, results);

          if (!results.isEmpty()) {

             result = results[0];

                result.Description = result?.Account?.Name;


             return result;


      public class FunctionalException extends Exception{}

      public class SecurityException extends Exception{}


CPQ Specialist Certification Maintenance (Spring '21)

1. What new feature reduces horizontal scrolling on the quote line editor while still displaying all fields in the Line Editor field set? 
A. Enable Column Resizing 

2. Which field type should be used to allow sales reps to change the header field set? 
A. Picklist 

3. Which lookup field on the quote is no longer required when Create Orders Without Opportunities is selected? 
A. Opportunity 

4. How do you enable the product recommendations feature? 
A. Provide an implementation of the plugin interface
5. A contract was amended with a quote Start Date of February 1, 2021. What will happen if a subsequent amendment quote is created with a Start Date of January 31, 2021 that also includes an add-on product? 
A. The Amendment quote will not save because it is backdated before the prior amendment

CPQ Specialist Certification Maintenance (Spring '20)

1.When an evergreen subscription related to a consumption schedule is ordered, how many usage summary records are automatically generated?
2.The Apply Rules button gives users the ability to run rules on demand, instead of allowing rules to trigger based on which out-of-the-box CPQ functionality?
A. Apply Immediately checkbox
3.Which of the following is true about the Formula field on Price Action records in the Spring ’20 release?
A. A value representing 50% should be written as 0.5
4.Before Salesforce CPQ transitions from managed package licenses to permission set licenses in a future release, which action must an admin take to ensure CPQ users retain their CPQ access after the upgrade?
A. Every CPQ user must be assigned a permission set license
5. If a quote has an existing amendment with a start date of Jan. 1, 2020, how would a user create a backdated amendment starting Oct. 1, 2019?
A. Revert the original amendment by zeroing it out, creating the new amendment, then re creating the original
6.Which object must a user have Create and Edit permissions on to use the quote's Preview Document button?
A. Quote Document

Administrator Certification Maintenance (Spring 20)

1.What feature should an admin configure to allow users to create a new record with prepopulated values?
A.Custom Button
2.Sales reps need to share the task workload with other sales reps. What feature should an admin recommend for this requirement?
A.Task Queue
3.Service reps are experiencing low performance on Lightning page loading. Where should an admin review suggestions that address this issue?
A.Review tips the lightning app Builder
4.An admin is providing a sandbox for service reps to train on the service console. What should an admin use to obstruct sensitive data when creating the sandbox?
A. Data Mask package
5.Where are merged cases accessed when Case Merge settings are enabled with “Keep duplicate cases after merging” selected?
A.Merged Cases related list
6.What feature should an admin enable to allow users to duplicate a campaign with all its member statuses?
A.Clone with Related action

Step2:Get Hands-On with Group Permission Sets.
permission set--->New-->Label:Case Read Only--Save
App--->click on Object Settings--click on Cases--Edit-->ObjectPermissions:check Readonly
Field Permissions: Account Name,Case Reason,Description-->ckeck readonly

permission set--->New-->Label:Manage Leads--Save
App--->click on Object Settings--click on Leads--Edit-->ObjectPermissions:check Edit-->save
Apps-->App Permissions-->Edit-->sales-->Convert leads,Transfer leads--Save-->Save

Permission Set Groups-->New Permisson Set Group-->Sales Ops
click on Permission Sets in Group---> Add Permission Set-->Case Read Only,Manage Leads-->add-->done

1. Use Accordian component to organize components into collapsible sections on a home page.
2. DATEVALUE() formula provides a workaround for daylight savings time values.
3. 300 approval processes can be active for each object.
4. With Wrap Text a Sales reps can see all the text in the Description column in the insert email template window.
5. 2000 custom objects can an App Builder create.
6. On Flow builder canvas an App Builder will see a flow's scheduled start time.
7. Custom notification types are created in Notification Builder.
8. An App Builder wants to Activate a Flow from the Flow Builder. The Activate button is located in button Bar.


Go to --> Lightning App Builder --> Click New -->Select Record Page -->Label ='Account Page' Object ='Account' --> Next --> Clone Salesforce default Page(with Account Grouped View default) --> Add Recommendation On page and add filter Device should be Desktop.

Platform Developer I Certification Maintenance (Winter '20)

1.When including a Visualforce page component in a Lightning Page using Lightning App Builder, which action hides the default label for the Visualforce page?
A.deselect the show label option
2.A developer needs to make changes to a custom field and associated Apex classes and triggers. How can the developer quickly determine which Apex classes and triggers use the field?
A.On the custom fields detail page ,click where is this used?
3.A developer is preparing to install a managed package that will create several new custom objects. What should the developer do to understand how many objects can be created prior to reaching the allowed limit for the org?
A.Look at the number of cusom objects and custom settings in the system overview information
4.Which ApexSettings metadata field enables serial execution of Apex tests?
A. enable disableparallelApextesting
5.With the Winter '20 release, which type of callout is now excluded from the concurrent long-running request limit?
A. Apex code that sends an HTTP request

step2 Get Hands-on Creating Custom Tabs for Lightning Web Components
install these package

Administrator Certification Maintenance (Winter '20)

1.What can an Administrator use to determine different levels of team member access to an Account?
A.Report on account teams
2.An Administrator needs to automatically add account team members to an account. What tool can the Administrator use to meet this requirement?
A. Process Builder
3.What access does the Team Member Access button show when selected?
A. Maximum access
4.Where would an Administrator go to customize the opportunity contact roles?
A. setup--->ObjectManager-->Opportunity ContactRole
5.Where can an Administrator find a sender signature field?
A.Merge field picker
6.How many approval processes can be active in one org?
7.Which reference type is available when an Administrator uses the "Where is this used?" button on a field?
A.formula field

step2 Get Hands-On with Record Compliance Categorization

quick find--->Data classification settings--->edit compliance categorization picklist values
click on reorder GDPR-->P!!-->HIPAA

select Emailfield-->edit-->compliance categorization picklist--> choose GPDR-->save
select Phonefield-->edit-->compliance categorization picklist--> choose PII--->save
select BirthDatefield-->edit-->compliance categorization picklist--> choose HIPAA--->save

Platform App Builder Certification Maintenance (Summer 19)

1.Which attribute can an app builder use to make a dependent picklist screen component in flow screens required?
A. {!$GlobalConstant.True}
2.How can an app builder determine what flow type best meets a specific business process?
A. Flow Templates
3.An app builder needs to notify an account owner of a new support case logged by a high-risk account. Which feature should the app builder use to send a custom notification to the account owner?
A.Notification builder
4.Agents need to be able to see email attachments easily when reviewing cases. Which related list can the app builder add to the case page layout?
A.Files related list
5.Where should an app builder go to create a Lightning letterhead after enabling enhanced letterheads for Lightning email templates?
A. App Launcher>Enhanced Letterhead


1.Setup-->quickfind Enter path settings-->clickon enable-->click on new path
 path Name: Milestones
 Object: Opportunity
 Record Type: Master
 Picklist: Stage
 Click Next in Step 2; we don't need to configure guidance for success on->A. When users reach a specific step in the path, help them celebrate their success with on-screen confetti.

Selected for Celebration: Closed Won
Celebration Frequency: Always
Ensure the path is Active and then click Finish
3. create opportunity record
 stage closed won

Administrator Certification Maintenance (Summer 19)

1.An administrator needs to customize hyperlinks to match corporate branding. Which setting can the administrator set to assign custom colors to hyperlinks?
A.Use brand color
2.How can different Activities Views be used once the default Activities View is enabled by the administrator?
A. Users can switch between preferences
3.Which filter option can an administrator recommend to help a manager filter on tasks for their team?
A. My team's tasks
4.By how many levels can dashboard components be sorted?
A. 2
5.Which dashboard component should an administrator use to show subtotals?
A. Lightning table


1.Setup->Quickfind enter Email template--> click on Lightning Email Templates
Enable folders and Enhanced Sharing
2. Go to App Launcher--->serch apps or item Enter Email templates click on Email template
3.Click on New Foldername-->Folder Label: Sales-->click on save
4. Click on New Email Template-->Template Name: General
   Click on folder name-->select sales click on select folder
   Subject: General
  click on image insert

Platform Developer I Certification Maintenance (Summer '19)

1.What allows Flows to manipulate complex data types that are often returned from calls to web services?
A. Apex-defined data types
2.What is the benefit of using the Continuation class in Apex to make a long-running request to an external web service?
A. More long-running callouts can be made using continuations
3.Which Lightning web component configuration file tag set specifies the form factors that the component supports?
A. <supportedFormFactors>
4.Which tag adds the Lightning Web Components for Visualforce JavaScript library to a Visualforce page?
A. <apex:includeLightning/>


1.Select and copy this link:
2.In the incognito window, paste the link into the address bar to install the package.
3.On the Salesforce login screen that appears, enter the username and password for your Trailhead Playground, then click Log In.
4.Select Install for All Users, then click Install.
5.Once the installation is complete, click Done.
Apex code

/* batch class:-BatchLeadConvert  */
public with sharing class BatchLeadConvert implements Database.Batchable<SObject>, Database.RaisesPlatformEvents{

    private final String CONVERTED_STATUS = [SELECT Id, MasterLabel FROM LeadStatus WHERE IsConverted=true LIMIT 1].MasterLabel;

    public Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext ctx){
        return Database.getQueryLocator([SELECT Id FROM Lead WHERE ConvertedContactId = null]);

    public void execute(Database.BatchableContext ctx, List<Lead> records){
        List<Database.LeadConvert> leadConverts = new List<Database.LeadConvert>();
        for(Lead record:records){
            Database.LeadConvert lc = new Database.LeadConvert();

        Database.convertLead(leadConverts, true);

    public void finish(Database.BatchableContext ctx){


Trigger code
* write trigger on  BatchApexErrorEvent  object*/

trigger BatchApexErrorTrigger on BatchApexErrorEvent (after insert) {
 list<BatchLeadConvertErrors__c> bcr= new List<BatchLeadConvertErrors__c>();
    for(BatchApexErrorEvent event:{
        BatchLeadConvertErrors__c  evrterror= new BatchLeadConvertErrors__c ();
        evrterror.AsyncApexJobId__c= event.AsyncApexJobId;
        insert bcr;


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