Monday, December 19, 2022

Define a Component

A Lightning web component that renders UI must include an HTML file, a JavaScript file, and a metadata configuration file. The files must use the same name so the framework can autowire them. A service component (library) must include a JavaScript file and a metadata configuration file.
  • Component Folder
    To create a component, first create a folder that bundles your component’s files.
  • Component HTML File
    Every UI component must have an HTML file with the root tag <template>. Service components (libraries) don’t require an HTML file.
  • Component JavaScript File
    Every component must have a JavaScript file. If the component renders UI, the JavaScript file defines the HTML element. If the component is a service component (library), the JavaScript file exports functionality for other components to use.
  • Component Configuration File
    Every component must have a configuration file. The configuration file defines the metadata values for the component, including supported targets and the design configuration for Lightning App Builder and Experience Builder.
  • Component CSS File
    A component can include a CSS file. Use standard CSS syntax to style Lightning web components.
  • Component SVG Icon
    A component can include an SVG resource to use as a custom icon in Lightning App Builder and Experience Builder.
  • Additional JavaScript Files
    In addition to the JavaScript file that creates the HTML element, a component’s folder can contain other JavaScript files. Use these JavaScript files to structure code in UI components, and share code from service components.
  • Component Tests
    To create Jest tests for a component, create a folder called __tests__ at the top level of the component’s folder. Save the tests inside the __tests__ folder.
  • Component Namespaces
    Every component is part of a namespace.

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