1. Whenever a record is inserted to the account automatically inserted to the contact?Ans:
trigger SCENARIO1 on Account (after insert){ list<contact> c=new list<contact>(); for(account a:trigger.new) { contact b=new contact(); b.LastName=a.Name; b.AccountId=a.Id; c.add(b); } insert c; }
2. Whenever a record is inserted to the contact automatically inserted to the account?Ans:
trigger scenario2 on Contact (after insert){ if(Recursive.flag) { Recursive.flag=false; list<account>a=new list<account>(); for(contact c:trigger.new) { account a1=new account(); a1.Phone=c.Phone; a1.Name=c.LastName; a.add(a1); } insert a; } }
Recursive Trigger fire:
Public class Recursive { Public static boolean flag=true; }
3. Whenever a create opportunity object records updated total opportunities and total amount in account object?
trigger scenario3 on Opportunity (after insert) { set<id>ids=new set<id>(); for(Opportunity op:trigger.new) { ids.add(op.accountid); } list<account>ac=[select Total_opportunities__c,Total_Amount__c,(select id,Amount from Opportunities ) from account where id=:ids]; for(account a:ac) { a.Total_opportunities__c=a.opportunities.size(); decimal sum=0; for(opportunity p:a.opportunities) { sum=sum+p.amount; } a.Total_Amount__c=sum; } update ac; }
4. Contact object whenever department equal to ‘CSE’ automatically before inserted email field?
trigger scenario4 on Contact (before insert){ for(contact c:trigger.new) { if(c.Department=='CSE') { c.Email='abc@gmail.com'; } } }
5. Whenever we modify input out object doctor name automatically update dropoff object text field no relationship?
trigger SCENARIO5 on Inputout__c (after update){ list<Dropoff1__c>d=[select id,name,Text__c from Dropoff1__c where Text__c='TusharSFDC']; string name; for(Inputout__c c:trigger.new) { name=c.Doctor_Name__c; } for(Dropoff1__c dp:d) { dp.Text__c=name; } update d; }
6. Limit reached the records?
trigger SCENARIO6 on Account (before insert,before update){ integer count=0; list<account>a=[select id,name from account where createddate=today or lastmodifieddate=today]; for(account ac:trigger.new) { count=a.size(); ac.NumberofLocations__c=count; if(count>2) { ac.adderror('reached limit today'); } } }
7. Can not insert/update/delete that user account object records?
trigger scenario7 on Account (before insert,before update,before delete) { user u=[select id,name from user where username='abc@gmail.com']; if(u.id==userinfo.getUserId()) { if(trigger.isdelete) { for(account a:trigger.old) { a.adderror('cant delete record'); } } if(trigger.isupdate) { for(account b:trigger.new) { b.adderror('can not update'); } } if(trigger.isinsert) { for(account c:trigger.new) { c.adderror('can not insert'); } } } }
8. Already existing records display an error message?
trigger scenario8 on Contact (before insert) { list<string>st=new list<string>(); for(contact c:trigger.new) { list<contact>a=[select id,name,Email,lastname from contact where Email=:c.Email]; if(a.size()>0) { c.Email.adderror('already existing'); } } }
OR For loop without query:
trigger duplicatetrigger on Inputout__c (before insert) { set<string>s=new set<string>(); for(Inputout__c op:trigger.new) { s.add(op.Doctor_Name__c); } list<Inputout__c>d=[select id,Doctor_Name__c from Inputout__c where Doctor_Name__c=:s]; set<string>dupids=new set<string>(); for(Inputout__c don:d) { dupids.add(don.Doctor_Name__c); } for(Inputout__c c:trigger.new) { if(c.Doctor_Name__c!=null) { if(dupids.contains(c.Doctor_Name__c)) { c.Doctor_Name__c.adderror('already existing record'); } } } }
9. Count of related contacts and accounts field display size?
Public class RollupSummery { public static void increment(list<contact>con) { set<id>ids=new set<id>(); for(contact c:con) { ids.add(c.accountid); } list<account>a=[select id,name,NumberOfEmployees,(select id,lastname from contacts) from account where id=:ids]; for(account ac:a) { ac.NumberOfEmployees=ac.contacts.size(); } update a; } }
trigger scenario9 on Contact (after insert) { rollupsummery.increment(trigger.new); }
10. Whenever opportunity StageName =’Close Down’ automatically update the account field Rating=’hot’?
trigger scenario10 on Opportunity (after insert,after update) { set<id>ids=new set<id>(); list<account>ac=new list<account>(); for(opportunity op:trigger.new) { ids.add(op.AccountId); ac=[select id,name,rating from account where id=:ids]; if(op.StageName=='Closed won') { for(account a:ac) { a.Rating='hot'; } update ac; } } }
11. Whenever the account name is ‘TusharSDFC’ automatically update the contact all last names?Ans:
trigger scenario11 on Account (after update) { string names; list<contact>c=[select id,lastname,firstname from contact where lastname=:names ]; for(account a:trigger.new) { names=a.name; } for(contact con:c) { con.lastname=names; } update c; }
12.when ever an Opportunity created record amount field is calculated by account total field?Ans:
trigger scenario12 on Opportunity (after insert,after update,after delete) { set<id>ids=new set<id>(); map<id,opportunity>opp=new map<id,opportunity>(); Decimal oldVal; Decimal newVal; if(trigger.isinsert) { for(opportunity op:trigger.new) { ids.add(op.AccountId); opp.put(op.AccountId, op); } list<account> acc=[select id,Total_Amount__c from account where id=:ids]; for(account a:acc) { if(a.Total_Amount__c==null ) { a.Total_Amount__c=opp.get(a.Id).amount; } else { a.Total_Amount__c= a.Total_Amount__c+opp.get(a.Id).amount; } } update acc; } if(trigger.isUpdate) { for(opportunity op:trigger.new) { ids.add(op.AccountId); opp.put(op.AccountId, op); newVal=op.Amount; } for(Opportunity ops:trigger.old){ oldVal=ops.Amount; } list<account> acc=[select id,Total_Amount__c from account where id=:ids]; for(account a:acc) { if(a.Total_Amount__c==null ) { a.Total_Amount__c=opp.get(a.Id).amount; } else { a.Total_Amount__c= a.Total_Amount__c+opp.get(a.Id).amount-oldVal; } } update acc; } } }
13.when ever a create a lead object automatically converted Account, Contact, Opportunity?Ans:
trigger scenario13 on Lead (after insert) { list<account>acc=new list<account>(); list<contact>con=new list<contact>(); list<opportunity>op=new list<opportunity>(); for(lead l:trigger.new) { account a=new account(); a.Name=l.lastname; a.Phone=l.Phone; acc.add(a); contact c=new contact(); c.LastName=l.Name; con.add(c); opportunity o=new opportunity(); o.Amount=l.AnnualRevenue; o.CloseDate=system.today(); o.StageName='closed won'; op.add(o); } insert acc; insert con; insert op; }
14. Whenever create a contact automatically update Opportunity fields?Ans:
trigger scenario14 on Contact (after insert) { list<opportunity>op=[select id,name,stagename,Description,amount from opportunity limit 50]; for(contact c:trigger.new){ for(opportunity o:op) { if(o.amount<5000||o.Amount==null) { o.amount=5000; o.Name=o.Name+'Mr'; o.StageName='prospecting'; } else{ o.Amount=o.Amount+1000; o.Name=o.Name+'Dr'; } update o; } } }
15. Sending email outbound email message?Ans:
public class emailprogramme1 { public void myemails() { messaging.SingleEmailMessage m1=new messaging.SingleEmailMessage(); string[] toadd=new string[]{'abc@gmail.com'}; string[] tocc=new string[]{'abcsfdc@gmail.com'}; m1.setToAddresses(toadd); m1.setCcAddresses(tocc); m1.setSubject('accenture'); m1.setPlainTextBody('this is interview call letter'); messaging.email[] m2=new messaging.Email[]{m1}; messaging.sendEmail(m2); } }
emailprogramme1 v=new emailprogramme1(); v.myemails();
16. Outbound message pdf file?Ans:
public class emailprogramme2 { public void emailbody() { messaging.SingleEmailMessage m1=new messaging.SingleEmailMessage(); string[] toadd=new string[]{'abc@gmail.com'}; m1.setToAddresses(toadd); m1.setSubject('Pdf file'); m1.setPlainTextBody('THIS IS BILL OF TELEPHONE'); messaging.EmailFileAttachment m2=new messaging.EmailFileAttachment(); pagereference p=page.page1; blob body=p.getContentAsPDF(); m2.setBody(body); m2.setFileName('jan-feb-march'); messaging.EmailFileAttachment[] eft1=new messaging.EmailFileAttachment[]{m2}; m1.setFileAttachments(eft1); messaging.Email[] m3=new messaging.Email[]{m1}; messaging.sendEmail(m3); } }
//========execution:==========(CTRL+E) emailprogramme2 v=new emailprogramme2(); v.emailbody();
17. Sending an email template to the outbound message?Ans:
public class emailprogramme3 { public void emailmethod() { messaging.SingleEmailMessage m1=new messaging.SingleEmailMessage(); emailtemplate et=[select id from emailtemplate where name='doctor' ]; m1.setTemplateId(et.Id); contact c=[select id,lastname,phone from contact where phone='999']; m1.setTargetObjectId(c.id); Inputout__c D=[select id,Doctor_Name__c from Inputout__c limit 1]; m1.setWhatId(D.Id); messaging.Email[] m2=new messaging.Email[]{m1}; messaging.sendEmail(m2); } }
//=======Execution:======(CTRL+E) emailprogramme3 v=new emailprogramme3(); v.emailmethod();
18. Sending an email trigger?Ans:
trigger sendingmailtrigger on Inputout__c (before insert) { for(Inputout__c i:trigger.new) { if(i.Check_box__c==true) { messaging.SingleEmailMessage m1=new messaging.SingleEmailMessage(); string[] toadd =new string[]{'abc@gmail.com'}; m1.setToAddresses(toadd); m1.setSubject('accenture'); m1.setPlainTextBody('this is interview call letter'); messaging.Email[] mail1=new messaging.Email[]{m1}; messaging.sendEmail(mail1); } } }
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