Saturday, April 8, 2023

Render DOM Elements Conditionally in LWC

To render HTML conditionally, add the lwc:if|elseif={property} and lwc:else directive to a nested <template> tag that encloses the conditional content.

Tip Directives are special HTML attributes. The Lightning Web Components programming model has a few custom directives that let you manipulate the DOM using markup.

The lwc:if|elseif directives bind {property} to the template, removing and inserting DOM elements based on whether the data is a truthy or falsy value.

Note The legacy if:true and if:false directives are no longer recommended as we intend to deprecate and remove these directives in the future. We recommend that you replace their usage with the lwc:if|elseif|else conditional directives to future-proof your code.

This example has two properties property1 and property2.

    <template lwc:if={property1}>
    <template lwc:elseif={property2}>
    <template lwc:else>

Only one of the three statements renders:

  • Statement1 renders if property1 is true.
  • Statement2 renders if property1 is false and property2 is true.
  • Statement3 renders if property1 and property2 are false.

Although the example uses all three directives, lwc:elseif and lwc:else are optional.

Let’s look at another example. This template contains a checkbox labeled Show details. When a user selects or deselects the checkbox, the handleChange function sets the value of the areDetailsVisible property. If the areDetailsVisible property is true, the lwc:if directive renders the nested template, which displays These are the details!.

<!-- helloConditionalRendering.html -->
    <lightning-card title="HelloConditionalRendering" icon-name="custom:custom14">
        <div class="slds-m-around_medium">
            <lightning-input type="checkbox" label="Show details"
            <template lwc:if={areDetailsVisible}>
                <div class="slds-m-vertical_medium">
                    These are the details!

Notice that the JavaScript doesn’t manipulate the DOM, it simply changes the value of a property.

// helloConditionalRendering.js
import { LightningElement } from 'lwc';

export default class HelloConditionalRendering extends LightningElement {
    areDetailsVisible = false;

    handleChange(event) {
        this.areDetailsVisible =;
Checkbox labeled Show details.
Checkbox with Show Details checked and detail text displaying beneath.

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