This document is intended for Conga customers who have made the decision to transition from Salesforce Classic to Salesforce Lightning. It contains answers to common questions you may have after you have decided to make the transition, primarily focused on the resulting changes to Conga applications, related Visualforce pages, and other custom elements that have been created for your organization's implementation of Conga products and services on Salesforce.
About Conga Applications on Salesforce
Conga applications on Salesforce are comprised of three different user interface technologies:
- Classic Standard
- Classic (Visualforce)
- Angular UI
Effect on Conga Applications When Lightning is Enabled
When you enable Lightning for your organization, all Conga applications become Lightning compatible:
- All Conga Classic pages are automatically converted to Lightning. Any customization work done for or by a customer in Classic mode is also automatically converted.
- All Conga Angular pages remain in the Angular Framework and continue to work normally (Lightning compatible).
- Any UI Customization completed for or by a customer not using non-Classic UI elements may not be compatible with Lightning. It is recommended that you test these pages before turning on Lightning for all users. Please contact Conga Customer Support if you need any assistance.
Salesforce Classic Page Converted to Lightning

Salesforce Classic Visualforce Rendered in Compatibility Mode

Angular UI Rendered in Compatibility Mode

CLM Features in Salesforce Lightning
The following Conga features are not supported in Lightning:
- Email Templates
- Document Assembly Rulesets
Creating an Agreement from a Related List
For overrides of the "New Record" action taken from a related list, Lightning does not identify the relationship from the originating transaction. For example: You want to create a new agreement from an Account related list. You click "New Agreement" from that account, taking you to the New Agreement intermediate page. The intermediate page (New Agreement) has two Accounts (via a field set) but Lightning provides no information on the originating account. In this case both Accounts are automatically filled. Before creating the agreement record, you must manually remove the incorrect account or accounts.
Dependent Lookup Fields
Dependent lookups (filtering of a lookup based on other lookups) are not supported in Lightning. For more details please refer to this page:
Migrating Notes & Attachments to Salesforce Lightning Files
When you switch to Lightning, any files you upload to a record will be saved as Salesforce Files, rather than as attachments.
To ensure that your org is using Files, enable the following settings:
- Go to Setup > General Settings. Select Files uploaded to the Attachments related list on records are uploaded as Salesforce Files, not as attachments.
- (FOR CLM) Go to Setup > Custom Settings > Comply System Properties. Select Enable File.
- (For CPQ) Config Settings > System Properties > Select Enable File.
Please note the following:
- After you enable Files, uploads are stored on both the "Files" and "Notes And Attachments" related lists.
- The "Files uploaded to the Attachments related list on records are uploaded as Salesforce Files, not as attachments" setting causes files that are uploaded to be stored as the "File" type rather than the "Attachment" type.
Performing the Migration
Refer to the the latest Contract Management (CLM) Administrator Guide for detailed steps on migrating an attachment to a Salesforce File.
For bulk attachments, Salesforce provides an application called Magic Mover for migrating your Notes And Attachments to Salesforce Files. Download the details from the Apttus Knowledge Base.
The App Exchange also provides video assistance for using the application here:
You can still add the Notes & Attachments related list to any page as normal to make your existing Notes & Attachments available.
Other Salesforce Classic Features
For a side-by-side comparison of features in Salesforce Classic vs. Lightning, please refer to the Salesforce documentation.
Supported Browsers for Salesforce Lightning
Please refer to Salesforce documentation for information regarding supported browsers for Lightning Experience.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q: How do I switch to the Lightning mode from the Salesforce Classic experience?
A: You can turn on Lightning for all your users or for select users. Please refer to the instructions provided in the following link:
Q: What happens to my customizations such as custom actions, buttons, triggers, workflow rules, and so on? Do they work in Lightning mode?
A: Your customizations will not be impacted when you enable Lightning unless you have developed custom Visualforce pages using non-Classic UI components. It is recommended that you test those pages before turning on Lightning for all your users. Please contact Conga Customer support if you need any assistance.
Q: Is there feature parity between Classic and Lightning versions?
A: Currently Conga only delivers versions of our Salesforce applications that work in both Classic and Lightning compatible mode. All Lightning features are on parity with Salesforce Classic, with the few exceptions described here: This may affect one or more of your customizations or other non-Conga Apps you may be running.
Q: If users switch from Lightning to Classic, do the links and bookmarks work?
A: Switching between Lightning Experience and Salesforce Classic affects the underlying URL routing logic and can lead to some unexpected results when links are resolved. Please refer to the following link for more details:
Q: When is support for Salesforce Classic ending?
A: There is no official date for end-of-support or end-of-life announced by Salesforce. Salesforce Classic is currently in end-of-sale.
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